Saturday, 10 August 2013

Lab Programs & Viva Questions:

1.Design a Java interface for ADT Stack. Develop two different classes that implement this interface, one using array and the other using linked-list. Provide necessary exception handling in both the implementations.

STEP 1: Create an interface which consists of three methods namely PUSH, POP and
STEP 2: Create a class which implements the above interface to implement the concept
              of stack through Array
STEP 3: Define all the methods of the interface to push any element, to pop the top
               element and to display the elements present in the stack.
STEP 4: Create another class which implements the same interface to implement the
                concept of stack through linked list.
STEP 5: Repeat STEP 4 for the above said class also.
STEP 6: In the main class, get the choice from the user to choose whether array
                implementation or linked list implementation of the stack.
STEP 7: Call the methods appropriately according to the choices made by the user in the
                previous step.
STEP 8: Repeat step 6 and step 7 until the user stops his/her execution

2.Implement a java program to implement the reflection concept for java.lang.String class
STEP 1: Import all necessary packages.
STEP 2: create a class “TestreReflect”
STEP 3: In the main function use class Class  and use the Class class method forName()
               for declaring the class.
STEP 4: Use the Constructors[],Fields[] and Methods[] class for getting information
               about the class.
STEP 5: Print all information about the class.
3.Consider a class person with attributes firstname,lastname and personid.Implement a java program to create and clone instances  of the Person class.
STEP 1: Import all necessary packages.
STEP 2: create a class “CloneTest” which implements Clonable interface
STEP 3: Using parameterized constructor get the input values specified in the main().
STEP 4: Use default method
                Public Object clone()
               To return the superv class clone and use exception handling mechanism.
STEP 5: In the main function,get the input values using scanner class
STEP 6: Create object for CloneTest class and call methods for it.
STEP 7: Use typecasting, and create another object for the same class.
STEP 8:Display the original and cloned variable value.

4.Develop a java interface for implement the multiple inheritance for student mark analysis system.(Define 2 interface-one interface method for reading student basic information(name{String},rollno{int},register number{long},phone num{long},second interface method for reading 5 sub marks{use array} and calculate total,avg).

viva questions:

1.1.What is interface and mention its use
2.Define marker interface.
3.Write down the syntax for defining interface?
4.What is meant by reflection?
5.What is object cloning? Why it is needed? 
6.why do we need static members and how to access them? 
7.What is a string buffer class and how does it differs from string class?
8.How to create one dimensional array?
9.What is dynamic binding?
10.What is the difference between static and non-static variables?